Saturday, February 25, 2006


I've been watching the olympics the past couple of weeks, and I think it is so interesting how the character of the athletes is revealed under the pressure of the games. I noticed that Sasha Cohen and Emily Hughes carried themselves with such grace. Even though they fell during their programs, they got right back up and continued from the point where they had fallen. There was a Chinese ice skater in the pairs competition last week who took a very hard fall, and then after a couple of minutes to collect herself, completed the program with some very difficult jumps, etc. By way of contrast, there was the Italian ice dancing pair who fell during competition, and then the female half of the pair glared mercilessly at her partner. They weren't even speaking while trying to practice for their next event. They did well in their next event, and it then looked like she had forgiven her partner. Talk about conditional acceptance! I think that is such a sad way to live. Life is just so much easier when you can forgive ~ yourself as well as those around you.

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